Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Update of 2012!

Let's start with a Happy Birthday to Cooper, who turned 3 on March 15th!  The weather here has been just beautiful so we've all been enjoying time outside in the yard for the last couple weeks.  

The bear was a 25 cent garage sale find from last summer, and I'd say the enjoyment Cooper and Gracie got from tearing the stuffing out of it was priceless. Not to mention the exercise I got from walking around the yard picking it all up later!

These photos above and below and just two of the many photos I have in the "Couch Potato" series, and I'm pretty sure they are posted somewhere on my facebook page. I just haven't been too good about updating this blog lately. I'm going to try to do it more regularly from now on though.

Yes, even Smokey the kitty is a couch potato too. He and Cooper were actually laying with their heads together but when I walked over with the camera they both looked up at me like this.

Since my Mom is probably the only one who still looks at this blog, here are a couple family photos from when Jim and Hunter came up for the Packers/Lions game on New Year's Day with David and Drew. They were all pretty wiped out when they got back from the game and as soon as they fell asleep the dogs crawled right on top of them. Jim got Cooper and Gracie made herself right at home with Hunter!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Gracie!

Gracie was found running stray as a very young pup so we will never really know her exact birth date, but our vet clinic estimated October 21, 2009 so that makes her two years old today!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Putting the Tramp in Trampoline!

This was originally posted on my facebook page, but since I haven't updated this blog all summer I thought I would share it here too. Cooper and Gracie sure do enjoy having a big yard to run around in and this fun trampoline to play on!

Friday, May 20, 2011

What a life!

Could these two possibly get any more comfortable?!?!?  Thank goodness it's finally getting nice outside again so they can spend their days in the kennel run.  They have to be reminded that they really are dogs, not the little humans they imagine themselves to be!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March Mudness

Just last weekend our yard was one big muddy mess, but fortunately it was warm enough to just leave the dogs outside all day. After running around like crazy and getting completely filthy, they finally sacked out for awhile so they could dry off a bit.

We still had to use a couple old towels to get them clean enough to come back inside the house, which is kind of a pain but that's what spring brings around here. Until a few days later when we got socked with another major winter storm.
So much for spring, hey?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Snuggle Buddies

And to think initially we were worried that these two might not like each other!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

The party animals were all pooped out by 10 pm last night!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Welcome to our Winter Wonderland

I wish I had this much enthusiasm for all the new snow!