Tuesday, October 5, 2010

When I was little ...

She wasn't too sure about this big red ball, and she still doesn't play with it at all, which is really strange because all our other dogs LOVED these boomer balls and destroyed them with regularity!

I don't remember what she was looking at here, but it put her into the classic pointer pose for this photo.
Here you can see the angel wing pattern on her back, which was one of the reasons we decided to name her Gracie. However she's only really angelic when she's sleeping!
She figured out this basket of toys was hers right away, but she still hasn't learned how to put them back when she's done playing with them.
One of her first favorite squeaky toys was this bottle of Char'dog'nay, of course!
In one respect she is exactly like every one of the other three dogs who came before her .... they are ALL couch potatoes!

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